The Online Shopping Revolution

As no doubt you have noticed online shopping is becoming more and more popular. In this article I write about this new revolution and discuss whether in my opinion this popularity is likely to continue or even increase, or if it is just some sort of short term fashion trend.
I was introduced to online shopping a few years ago when a friend of mine advised me that a certain electrical type company was offering their products with a discount of ten percent, when they were purchased online. This fascinated me and I then started to investigate if this was a trend which other retail outlets were offering. I found that quite a few others had similar online discounts and I soon started to catch the online shopping bug.
As a man I am not really one for shopping. I am not trying to suggest that all men hate shopping but I certainly do. When my wife wants to go on one of her trips to all of the local clothes and other shops, I do go with her and attempt to show an interest but in truth can not wait to get home. When buying items such as clothes for myself, I of course prefer to buy online. This is where online shopping become a dream for me.
A couple of years ago at Christmas time, I must admit that I purchased around eighty percent of my presents online. This saved me having to go to the shops in the first place, fighting through the Christmas shopping crowds and trying to find a car park space.
My family even now buy our weekly food shopping online. My wife prefers doing the food shopping in this way as she does not have to wait to have her items scanned and does not have to put up with the children asking if they can have this or that.
I believe that this online shopping revolution has only just started. I think that more and more companies are going to offer this service and that their websites will become even more impressive and easy to use for the consumer. People especially women will always love to go shopping but I think for certain goods, for example larger and more expensive items, that they will be mainly bought online.
In around five years time most households in the UK will have access to the internet therefore introducing even more potential customers to the option of online shopping.
My life has certainly been made a lot easier and less stressful through online shopping and I would advise other people to give it a go.